The Rich Roll Podcast

How To Maintain Optimal Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Health During The Holidays



Prepare thyself, because ready or not, the holiday season is indeed upon us. For most, this is that special time of year when — whether by conscious choice or simply due to external circumstance — we find ourselves overeating, overspending and simply overindulging in anything and everything, all in the name of celebratory merriment. When we're not charging it on the card or spread paper thin desperately trying to fulfill all the heightened expectations this time of year presents, we find ourselves weathering an unnatural battery of social engagements and the emotionally hyper-charged land mines presented by extended family get togethers. The result? A massive and unnatural outpouring of energy that leaves us not just out of balance, but utterly depleted — spit out the other side physically and emotionally exhausted to the core, all too often overweight and riddled with unnecessary debt. Then what? We awake on New Year's Day committed to do and be better next time — the annual renewal ritual that inevitably fa