Parrish The Thought

Episode 133: Author, Portia Louder | I learned true freedom while spending 4.5 years in federal prison.



In 2015 my next guest, author of the book ⁠Living Louder⁠ and speaker, Portia Louder, was sentenced to seven years in fedral prison for money laundering and mortage fraud. (⁠read story⁠) After two years of blaming everyone for her incarceration she finally had the courage to own it all, took full responsibility and became a spiritually free woman while remaining behind bars and serving another three years of that seven year sentence. Sit back and enjoy this roller coaster ride from the pit of despair to a remarkably beautiful and full life of love, honesty and friendship in and out of the system. Connect with Portia ⁠Facebook⁠, ⁠Instagram⁠ #LivingLouder #PortiaLouder #FederalPrison #ExtremeOwnership #PersonalResponsibility #Forgiveness #MortgageFraud #Greed #Redemption #Rebirth #FamilyFirst #LDSChurch #Mormon