I Am Ryit

194 - No Social Media!



Welcome back! I spent two weeks with no internet or social media on my phone! It's still the new year… and that means that 2 week challenges are back on my mind. So i decided to start this one with a 2 week challenge having a dumb phone. Sort of. I did do this once before… but only for one week… and that was a while ago. I was actually talking to melody about new years resolutions.. .well more like just looking back at last year and thinking about things we’d like to do differently going into this next year. One thing that we ended up talking about was the kids and their screen time. Which made me think about how much time i spend staring at the screen on my phone while i’m around them. I’ve tried some other ways to be on my phone less with the kids, like putting my phone into focus mode and things like that… but when i was bored or just didn’t want to play whatever the kids were screaming about… i would pull out my phone and scroll. And then end up just diong that for the next… long while. So, i thought i wo