I Am Ryit

173 - The Carnivore Diet



Welcome back to a Sorta Star Wars podcast! Today we're talking about living 2 weeks with only eating meat! The carnivore diet was probably my most difficult challenge so far. I did not enjoy meal times or most snacks.. and I barely lost any weight. the goal wasn't to loose weight and I definitely wasn't calorie counting... but I thought that cutting out all the sugar and carbs would help me loose some pounds... but just not as much as i wanted. i lost 3 lbs in two weeks... some of you are saying well, that's pretty awesome but i was not impressed. i would of rather had ice cream and kept those 3 pounds... lol. I also think carnivore by itself is too hard to maintain... like many diets. i think with slight modifications it could be doable. i also felt a lot better on it physically. it increased my energy. I was hungry less. it increased my sex drive... noticeably. eesh... awkward i know. but its definitely true. I did lose weight (even if it wasn't as much as i hoped)... so it had a lot of good things going fo