I Am Ryit

171 - Waking Up Before 5:00 am Every Day



Welcome back to a sorta star wars podcast!  Today is NOT a star wars episode. Today we're gonna talk about my latest two week challenge. which was getting up before 5:00 every day. so, lets do it! So, if you haven't listened to my last 2 week challenge episode, it was about giving up caffeine for 2 weeks. I'm trying to do things that are supposed to make my life better, but only do them for two weeks at a time to see if i actually like them or if they improve my life. quick update on the caffeine front.... I'm back to intaking the exact same amount of caffeine i was before i did the challenge.... most days. other days i substitute kratom or ginseng. BUT that's not what we're talking about today!  Today is all about getting up early!! Take a listen to see how it all turned out! Thanks for listening! Be safe. Be courteous. BYE! If you'd like to support the show and be entered to win the monthly contests, visit our Patreon at patreon.com/sortastarwars Thanks everyone for your support! *This podcast is