I Am Ryit

166 - Quitting Caffeine Cold Turkey



Welcome back to a Sorta Star Wars podcast! Today we're talking about my caffeine addiction and how I survived two weeks without it! Ok, so yes, we’ll be talking about caffeine this episode. To give you a little bit of background… I’ve made a New Years resolution of sorts for this year, but since I can’t ever complete my New Years resolutions, I cheated this year. What I’ve decided to do is pick 10-12 things that I think may make my life better, but only do them for two weeks at a time. So I came up with a list of things like: no caffeine, no social media, excercise every day, no sugar… but only for two weeks at a time. Its not a sustaining thing, but its actually do-able, and maybe I just might make some changes in my life. Maybe. So, I picked no caffeine first because I know for a fact that my caffeine addiction is real. I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with that… but it felt like a good one to start with. So, the plan was to cut off all caffeine and go totally cold turkey for the first week, then the