Gcf Austin

Jesus Was Made Sin So We Might Be Made Righteous



Life Group QuestionsKey Verse:2 Corinthians 5:21 – He made Him who knew no sin to be sin in our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.1.  Jesus didn’t “put on” our sins like a robe. He was made sin. What does this mean to you and how will it change your outlook on life moving forward? 2.  What is righteousness and how do we attain it? 3.  All born again believers were made righteous. We don’t put on Jesus’ righteousness and wear it like a coat while we are still dirty on the inside. What does this mean to you and how will it change your outlook on life moving forward? 4.  Do you see yourself as righteous? Explain. 5.  Guilt and shame are two of Satan’s primary weapons he uses to trap God’s people. If we are going to live an abundant life in God, we must win victories at the front door and back door of our lives. How will these truths help you win victories against the enemy?