Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Hashimoto’s Facts That I Wish Every Thyroid Patient Knew



I’ve been helping patients with Hashimoto’s for a long time and throughout that time I’ve seen a lot of bad information, misinformation, and just plain wrong information. What I want to do today is just set the record straight. Here are 4 things that I wish every patient with Hashimoto’s knew either early on in their diagnosis or right when they were diagnosed. Understanding these facts will help shape your understanding of your disease and better help you navigate the world you are about to step into. Without further ado, here they are: The first fact: If left untreated, Hashimoto’s will result in thyroid gland atrophy. Atrophy just means that it shrinks and once it gets to this point, it’s no longer functional. Your goal should be to prevent this from happening. The second fact: You can put your Hashimoto’s into remission but curing Hashimoto’s isn’t really possible. Curing implies that the disease goes away forever which isn’t usually the case. Remission is a better term because it means you can 100%