Salty Dogs Christian Podcast

Liberating The Word Of God From The Bible w/ Keith Giles



In this episode, Jason and Chris interview Author, Blogger and Podcaster Keith Giles about his book Jesus Unbound: Liberating The Word Of God From The Bible. We explore the idea that the Word of God and our ultimate authority is Jesus alone and that the scriptures are always meant to point us to Him. Prepare to have some of your beliefs challenged! We're not saying you have to agree with everything that is discussed, but you'll certainly have to keep an open mind and test all of this for yourself. *Side note. We've recently been interviewing people with varying beliefs that challenge our traditionally held beliefs. We at the SDP find it interesting, challenging and necessary to hear from different sides of the fence on varying issues. We won't always totally line up, and sometimes we may flat out disagree but our podcast is a a platform for these beliefs to be voiced and considered. After all, those in Christ are still our brothers and sisters. Thanks for listening! Find out more about Keith Giles at Keith