Salty Dogs Christian Podcast

SDP Support Opportunity



Support the Podcast:Become a Patron: Give a one-time gift: The Source Wichita Broadcast Studio Wish List: We're building a studio!  The Salty Dogs Podcast is just one of the ministries that function out of the Source Church Wichita Building in downtown Wichita, KS. We're working with The Source to renovate a room in the basement into a recording, live-streaming and editing space. We'll be able to LIVE STREAM all of our episodes in Season 3 to Facebook, as well as continue to publish our podcast audio to all of the normal podcast avenues.  Did you catch that news?? We'll be LIVESTREAMING our episodes to our Facebook page in Season 3. What?! Super excited :) Season 3 begins early 2019. Many of the upgrades have been made possible by our Patreon Supporters, so huge thanks to those who have supported the show financially! Help us reach our goals!]We do have a goal of raising $1,400 for microphone upgrades. We want to purchase f