No Labels, No Limits Podcast

Episode 127 - No Labels, No Limits podcast with Course Creator, Sam Winch



Join us for today's episode of No Labels, No Limits podcast with our guest, Sam Winch. Sam helps busy business owners turn their content into courses, and with over 10 years experience building courses, she knows how to make the process as painless as possible. Building courses and content to suit diverse environments and audiences is the jam in her sandwich. When she’s not busy creating courses, or making terrible sandwich puns about her name, she’s got her hands full wrangling 4 kids.In addition to speaking on course building topics, Sam also was quoted saying...You'd think I'd only need to learn it once, but several times I've been burnt by having all my financial eggs in one basket.  Whether that's a single income (I was then stood down), a single great referral source (who then decided to close their business) or a single big client (who ran out of work for me).  Now I'm careful to have diverse income streams from various sourcesLearn more and connect with Sam here: