Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard

Episode 379: WrestleMania 17 & 18 Megasode



On this episode of Something To Wrestle with Bruce Prichard, host Conrad Thompson jumps back in the wayback machine for a special look back at our WrestleMania 17/18 episodes. WM 17 - What a crazy month for Vince McMahon. The XFL is tanking and NBC wants out of the deal, Jerry Lawler walked out, ECW files for bankruptcy, Paul Heyman needs a job, Vince has a meltdown on HBO, he acquires WCW, and oh by the way he's about to put on the biggest WrestleMania ever! Bruce and Conrad dig into all of these moving parts going on behind the scenes before what will be the most financially successful WrestleMania ever up until that point setting records in nearly every category. The show would feature a crazy hardcore match people remember to this day, the crazy McMahon family story, an unreal match between Benoit and Angle, perhaps one of the silliest battle royals in WWE history, the tag team match that created a highlight reel by itself and set the standard for TLCs to come, and a match between the two biggest icons in