

In this episode, the guys discuss the benefits of shifting your mindset & environment to give your priorities the best chance to succeed.  18:10 - What you do continually will determine how much money you will make.  Remain focused and work to create positive environments in your current workplace! 32:12 - Identify what you want to do and how much you can earn. Think about the environments that foster the success you're looking for, and then create them. 42:55 - “God didn’t put you in this environment for you to just be there. Don’t waste the opportunity that God has given you.” 47:23 - Praise God you’re in the position to make things happen for yourself and your family. Consider the responsibilities a blessing.  Takeaways Minimize distractions.  Create environments conducive to success.  What you do daily enhances your results.  Questions 1) Where’s your current focus? 2) Where is your fear coming from? Once you identify those factors, create a plan to prevent anxiety from altering your deci