

In this episode, the guys discuss how to become and sustain confidence while walking in your gift.  13:25 - “You don’t have to deal with comparison when you have confidence.“ Validation shouldn’t come from viewing how others accomplish a task. Stay true to yourself! 32:01 - “Preparation is required to go along with confidence.”  41:04 - Confidence is gained with consistent small wins.  46:10 - “Anything of value has a specific purpose.” Don’t dispose your value by comparing yourself to others. Comparison kills momentum, growth, and belief.  Takeaways Consistency in your craft allows you to sustain your confidence! Set goals you believe are attainable with actions to support it.  God has called you according to his purpose before you were born. You have value! Your confidence is connected to your belief level. Your belief level is connected to actions that support your desirable goal.  Questions 1) What solution are you presenting to fix problems? 2) Do you have positive affirmations from God