

Having, obtaining, and keeping leverage can promote you to new heights an experiences in your life. Listen closely as the guys discuss what true leverage is, how to work it successfully, and how to maintain it for the rest of your life.  “If a dream has been placed in your heart, You Owe You to see that dream to fruition!” Preorder your copy today!  11:45 - “As you go up in life, your lifestyle changes.” Perspectives constantly change as your exposure goes up. Don’t shoot down someone’s views if you’ve never experienced it before. Remain positive! 16:50 - Can you produce more from your life but remain stagnant from negative thinking? Be able to recognize the difference of not being able and preferring not to attempt something.   25:32 - “Stop letting people push their agendas on you. Stop being obedient to the views that culture & systems push.” 29:45 - What have you accepted as somebody’s truth for your life? Has their views stopped you from executing the best way you