

Today's Podcast is being released during one of the most tumultuous and tragic periods in our country's recent history. The past several weeks have seen the murders of innocent Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement-Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.  And, the revelation that earlier this year, Ahmaud Arbery, a young Black man out for a run in rural Georgia, had been hunted down and murdered by a band of emboldened and empowered racists. His crime, jogging in a neighborhood they felt he had no business.     In the face of these excruciating losses, and after hearing the same bigoted arguments made in justification of their deaths,  our country and, the world screamed in unison, "ENOUGH!"  We've all had enough. We're fed up with Bigotry, fed up with our communities being underserved and underrepresented and blamed for the ills that lack of support has nurtured, fed up with institutionalized, systemic racism, fed up with blatant in your face racism, inequality and injustice.   Collectively, we are tired.