

This week on the podcast Tiphani Montgomery joins the podcast as the guys wrap up the 1st stop on the 2020 1% Tour. ET kicks off the conversation as he’s been frustrated with his success just a little bit. When you obtain a level success but many of your friends and family expect you to hand opportunities and money to them. ET calls on his board of advisors to give listeners a step by step playbook of how to get over that hump so you can give more than you receive.  The Secret to Success Topics: [07:38] - Scary Moment [21:20] - It’s Hard Having Money [35:00] - Human Nature [50:00] - Get vs Give [1:00:00] - Delayed Gratification Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Study when it’s convenient for you and take your mobile classroom wherever you go. Earn a quality online degree at an accredited college and enjoy all the benefits of t