

Can you bounce back? On today’s podcast, the guys hone in on the Virginia  Men’ Basketball Team who recently won the National Championship. A year prior they were the laughing stock of the NCAA as they lost to a 16 seed while being the number 1 seed. To translate this into real life think about a year or an instance where you felt like you messed up so bad that you couldn’t bounce back. You’re embarrassed, people are talking about it, what did you do? Did you fold or did you get ready for the next season? Listen to hear what ET says you should after experiencing a BIG Loss. Time Stamped Topics: [03:00] - NCAA Update [06:38] - Fair or Foul [22:00] - ET No Phone! [41:21] - ET Go Off! [54:30] - Virginia [1:08:00] - Confidence factor [1:19:40] - Ask ET Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Become a paid speaker with ETA’s Game Chan