

The guys have an eventful fun filled weekend. Karl and his family took a trip up north for the first time, CJ and his family hung out in Michigan for a family reunion, and ET and his church family holds their first annual kick ball game. Have you ever been on a flight with a jerk ? CJ had the experience over the week and he admits to almost losing control and possibly getting into a fight with another passenger. CJ explains the situation and then poses the question to Karl and E and asks them what would they have done if they were in the same situation. ET explains how he’s been able to set boundaries to prevent situations from getting out of hand since he’s been baptized again. Every misunderstanding doesn’t have to turn into a full blown argument or even a fight. If you’re struggling with anger issues ET explains that you need to self-assess and figure out what’s really making you angry. Most of the things you blow up over aren’t as serious as you make it but you have to self-assess and see where the ange