

The guys recorded their first live podcast in front of an audience last week and it’s probably the best podcast episode ever. Karl kicks off the episode with the introduction of ETA’s first children’s publication. My Secret Super Power: Trey’s Jungle Adventure . CJ talks about the process of writing the book and gives some advice on how to handle unexpected setbacks while working on projects. After writing the book CJ discovered that although it’s a children’s book many adults can benefit from the message. The main focus of the episode is the importance of shifting from a consumer mindset to a producer mindset. The guys explain how we are conditioned to consume as much as possible and that stops most people from actually producing anything. After listening to this episode you should walk away with a few key nuggets of information that involve going from a consumer to a producer, how fake confidence doesn’t work, and how to understand and adjust your view of the world.        Time Stamped Show Notes   [0