The Secret To Success With Cj & Eric Thomas | Inspiration | Personal Development | Success

Eps. 78 - First The Fat Boys Break Up...



We’ve seen some of the best dynamic duos create history in their fields and ultimately break up. The most recent break up is with ESPN’s Mike & Mike who have worked together for 18 years and are now calling it quits. This caused CJ to think about the possibility of the squad breaking up. Could it happen ? CJ challenges the guys and ask them have they ever thought of the squad possibly breaking up.The guys all explain how they safeguard those thoughts and keep their ego in check so that it doesn’t happen. ET makes a very important point that in order to keep things like this from happening he makes sure that the guys understand and know how much he appreciates them. CJ talks about his real reason for not having his own social media pages as it could possibly cause a distraction to what his role is. No one wants to see great duos or trios that make history break up but it’s a strong possibility in the world we live in today. You'll learn in this episode that as long as everyone stays in their lane it's hard f