George And Charlie: Off The Bridle

Series 5, Episode 2 - Chapman speaks!



There’s always lots of chat on our WhatsApp group about who we should invite on as a special guest. Funny, entertaining, informative and opinionated are among the key qualities on the criteria list. Our latest guest ticks all those boxes and plenty more. In an engaging conversation with George and Charlie, renowned racing broadcaster Matt Chapman fires straight from the lip on a number of subjects. He also gives us the lowdown on his backstory. All in all, it makes for a fascinating listen. There’s also plenty to catch up on from the worlds of Scott and Fellowes; the latter tells the former “When you know, you know” when it comes to identifying smart two-year-old prospects in his string. Charlie also laments his Masters’ golf bets and fears for his beloved Nottingham Forest’s Premier League future. Meanwhile, George’s enthusiasm is even higher than usual after a streak of success at Wolverhampton – and the full-on arrival of the Turf season as the first Classics loom ever closer.