Ask A Death Doula

Zimbabwe: The start of the Death Doula Movement



Date: 4/18/23   Zimbabwe: The start of the Death Doula Movement I have been a hospice nurse since 2008, but it was on a volunteer trip to Zimbabwe, Africa, that I was taught the true power of our presence as the best medicine there is.   I was reminded that death is not a medical experience- it's a human one.    And I was taught the effectiveness of having someone present and "holding the space" for someone who is dying- and for their loved ones- like a birthing doula.    I learned that no matter who you are and where you live in the world, death is our common unifier in our humanity- and we can change the world with presence, compassion and education.  In This Episode, You Will Learn:   Topic #1 How a Volunteer Trip to Zimbabwe, Sparked a Global Death Doula Movement Topic #2 The Great Teachings From Those at Island Hospice Topic #3 How We are a Global Community Links Mentioned in This Episode: End of Life "World Training Day" for Family Caregivers Click here   Island Hospice Zimbabwe Click Here Free