Tuesday Breakfast

World Social Work Day (Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action) & International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination



World Social Work Day (Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action) & International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Madeline McKenzie (she/her) is an accredited mental health social worker who runs her own counselling business for women called Sit with Self. She also helps not for profits to set up mental health programs and provides training on trauma & wellbeing to community organisations. Madeline is a newish mum with a 14 month-old baby and loves connecting with nature and music in her free time. // Hannah Yared is a psychologist, PhD candidate at Monash University, and a lecturer at Swinburne University. Her research examines issues related to race and racism in the fields of education and psychology, and her PhD research explored these issues from the perspectives of Australian school students. Hannah joins us on the show today to speak with us about the implications of diluting conversations about race and racism in schools, especially within the context of "Harmony Day" as it's c