Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

3 Legs, 3 Cs & Why the Entrepreneur is the Hope of the World, with Paul Neal



Debt for a business can be a saving grace for a growing business or a nail in their coffin, if they don't understands the 3 Legs of Lending.  Paul Neal joins Karen Rands on The Compassionate Capitalist Show to explain how to make debt work for a company's growth strategy.  Paul also shares his incites on the the 3 Cs that are critical to the success of any business.   Along the way, Karen and Neal discuss using debt for acquisition financing, franchise financing, buying out partners and founders, and expanding to bring manufacturing on-shore.   They wrap up this lively interview with Paul's passion for helping entrepreneurs because of his belief that Entrepreneurs are the Hope of the World. We all could use some hope and encouragement as we face uncertain economic times.  This podcast in video: https://youtu.be/A5bqHep_8vk Paul Neal is the founder and Principal Funding Strategist at Vantage Point Commercial Capital, a firm that focuses on helping entrepreneurs and real estate investors win by funding their gr