Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

A Cheat Sheet for Disabled Travelers (from two seasoned travelers…)



I love to travel, thank goodness, because I have to travel for work... And after about three years off the travel treadmill, the world of going out and about, both for vaca and business, is open again. I was surprised at how every plane, bus, or train I was on recently was packed! And, even as a seasoned traveler, my recent trip was one surprise after another.This week, I’m doing something a bit different… My friend Liberty Forrest and I are chatting about our recent experiences traveling with long-term conditions. Now, we can’t cover all the folly and foibles of traveling while ‘disabled.’ (I hate the term ‘disabled,’ yet that’s the label the travel industry seems to like to use.) But Liberty and I are giving it a go!Listen in to our travel adventures and misadventures and the lessons we’ve learned, and I invite you to share your learnings and lessons of travel with an invisible illness with us in the comments section. 
In our time together, Liberty and I share about why my cane is now “not a cane” and how m