Pri: Living On Earth

A New Clean Power Plan, Cleaning Up a Copper Mine in Zambia, Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature’s Secrets to Longevity, and more



The EPA is trying again with power plant rules to fight climate change, but this time, the agency is backed up by statutes in the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s using these to carefully craft new rules designed to survive legal challenges.  Also, the Africa recipient of this year’s Goldman Environmental Prize joins us to share how he organized a community and brought a UK based mining company to justice for polluting a river in Zambia with waste from an open pit copper mine that sickened locals and killed fish.  And in nature, some animals live far longer than humans, and some don’t appear to age at all. One species of jellyfish can continually revert back to a juvenile stage, making it essentially immortal. Unlocking nature’s secrets to longevity and how humans can live longer.  -- And thanks to our sponsors: Oregon State University. Find out more about how Oregon State is making a difference at “Nuclear Now”, a new documentary from award-winning director Oliver Stone. Visit Nu