The Rich Roll Podcast

Anthony Taylor: The Outdoors Evangelist On How Nature Heals



Time in nature is powerful. It’s healing. It fosters community. Humanity’s connective tissue, it shows you who you are and what you’re capable of becoming. The outdoors has played a transformational role in my personal evolution. In almost every way I am a different, better human because I make copious use of the untouched natural spaces available to me—spaces I access freely and have long taken for granted. However, the uncomfortable truth is that outdoor parks (nature in general) are places where historically not everyone has been entirely welcome. This is a paradigm we must diligently work to dismantle. It’s also the spark that illuminates the work of Anthony Taylor—an extraordinary human who has spent his life advocating for greater participation and access to outdoor environments, and the second guest to appear in my continuing series of conversations from my week in Minneapolis. The former Commissioner for Minneapolis’ Parks & Open Spaces and current Senior Vice President of Equity, Outdoors & Nature fo