Out There




William Konkolesky is the director of Michigan MUFON, Mutual UFO Network.  Bill has been on with me before and while he helps others who've had interaction with UFO's, he has his own story regarding abductions at an early age.  Often I find people who are interested in this topic have had expereiences that motivated them to get involved.  Bill's a regular guy, has a family, holds down a steady job, and occasionally speaks with and interacts with aliens.  Pretty normal, right?  Maybe more normal than we realize.  I don't wish to frighten anyone, so listen if this feels right for you.  For the most part Bill feels these have been positive experiences.  Not everyone feels that way, some have had more negative experiences.  If any of this is true, why is this going on?  There may be many answers, but from my perspective, it always starts with a soul agreement.