Out There




My soul sister Joy joins me again, this is a joint effort for Out There and Joy Of Union.  This week we chose the fun topic of death.  Doesn't that sound fun?  Very few probably want to talk about it, I don't blame you.  I've changed my view on it many years ago that allows me to see it in a very positive light.  This also is a topic that hit me pretty hard last week, my father in law passed.  We were like brothers, at least in my mind.  Now I should have figured out why Joy wanted to do this topic, it wasn't just about giving people a chance to see things in a different light.  This was meant for me too.  Thank you Joy!  I get a special guest, my father in law Bob and while I don't want the focus to be on me, I am grateful for what happened.  There was a time when I wouldn't  have allowed my true feelings to flow, but I don't care anymore, I just want to be my authentic self.  I was given a great gift with this interview.  There are many other things we talk about, where do you go when you pass?  Are there d