Beer Busters

252: Denizens Brewing (or We're Zigging)



Joining us this episode is Julie Verratti, Co-Founder and Chief Brand Officer at Denizens Brewing. The founding of Denizens is a unique and compelling story, full of intrigue and – more seriously – political lobbying and law reform. We also get deep in the weeds on packaging sizes, barriers to entry for small businesses in certain sectors (related to the aforementioned packaging), taxes, and a lot more shop talk. Every once and a while we have an episode where we really dig into some niche industry topics that don’t always come up, and this episode is full of them. We love these types of conversations and we know most of you do too! So, sit back, strap in, and let us tell you about 19.2 oz cans… Do you love Beer Busters? Of course you do!Why not leave us a rating and review on your podcast platform of choice and consider supporting us on Patreon.