Dates & Mates With Damona Hoffman | Dating And Relationship Advice

Green Flags & Don’t Text Your Ex Happy Birthday



Nick Viall, author and host of the podcast The Viall Files, discusses his new book Don’t Text Your Ex Happy Birthday and helps you navigate the ups and downs of the dating process so you feel more empowered when you go out. The Dating Dish headline today is: Is your work stress making you more critical in dating and relationships? Then later, it’s not just Dear Damona. We’ll be doing a crossover Ask Nick/Dear Damona as we both tackle your questions in love and dating. Questions include: My match seems to have suddenly lost interest and I really like him. What should I do? And, my match revealed that she isn’t looking for a relationship after dating me for 3 weeks. Should I wait it out or move on? Be sure to pick up a copy of Don’t Text Your Ex Happy Birthday at And follow Nick on Instagram @NickViall   Sponsors: You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how. Listen to The Mel Robbins Podcast every Monday and Thursday wherever you listen to t