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Ame Dyckman Writes the Wacky!



No written intro can do this week's conversation with Ame Dyckman justice! If we style ourselves a celebratory and joyous (and educational) kidlit podcast (which we do), this episode maybe sets a new high-water mark for ear-to-ear energy and joy bubbles throughout (except for when I - Josh - have to interrupt with intros and book reviews in my NPR voice, of course), as well as actionable and inspirational insights! Ame Dyckman is here. Josh is here, Brenna is here, and Jon is here! And our Linktree is here (please subscribe!). And make sure to check out Ame's HOW DINOSAURS WENT EXTINCT: A SAFETY GUIDE, illustrated by Jenn Harney! ------ Our reviews this week: THE BIG RED ROCK by Jess Stockham HOW TO EAT A BOOK by Mrs. and Mr. MacLeod BATHE THE CAT by Alice B. McGinty, illustrated by David Roberts ------ Check out our sponsor The Kidlit Hive! Check out our awesome quokka artist Maddie Frost! And finally, if you'd like to support the podcast and ALSO want to celebrate a friend, an achievement, or a friend's kid