Grit And Grace

The Witching Hour; Spells vs. Rituals



Join Tahverlee for this powerful discussion on creating spells and the difference between a spell and a ritual. During The Witching Hour, you’ll learn how to petition the universe and work with current cycles (moon, season, weather) to create anything you desire. Take a deep dive into the work you must do before performing any spell, ritual, or ceremony. Overcoming your limiting beliefs and not allowing your subconscious to rule your life is key to bringing forth the intentions you set. Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, High Priestess, Ritualist, and Initiate of the Sacred Way. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awakening path. Join us in Mystery School and peruse all of our Magical Offerings. Check out What’s New and get all the details on special offers and Magical workshops.Experience transformational Magic with high levels of ceremony in person with Tahverlee at High Magic Immersions.Jou