Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Newton's Porter: Trade more to get ahead of this range-bound market



John Porter, chief investment officer at Newton Investment Management, says the market has traded in a tight range for almost 10 months and he expects it to stay in that range while the economy sorts out its unknowns until a clear picture emerges, which he thinks will take another six to nine months. Meanwhile, to produce reasonable results in a choppy market, he says money managers will need to increase their turnover and trade more, taking advantage of the short, tight fluctuations even as the market has no bigger trend. Also on teh show,  Jill Gonzalez discusses the new study from showing that U.S. households now have $17 trillion in household debt, more than $140,000 per household, Carter Malloy of discusses the benefits and expected returns to investing in farmland and timberlands, and Chuck celebrates what would have been the 70th birthday of his brother by talking about the delicate balance between making money and enjoying life.