

In part two of this live episode, the guys discuss how tuning into the right frequencies produces success. Thoughtful Takeaways “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.” Job 3:25. The worst will happen when you think an act on negative thoughts. Don’t operate out of fear! Those decisions aren’t Christ like! Fear halts your progress! Focus on completing actions that’ll move the needle positively in your life.  Avoid frequencies that aren’t productive! Your environment determines your success! Make sure your surroundings are supplemented with health and wealth.  Learn To Be Comfortable With Your Vision Uncomfortable Actions  Saying No Having Tough Conversations  Making Tough Decisions Dealing With The Facts Tuning Into Frequencies That Challenge You Questions  1) Be honest about where you currently are with your frequencies. Can communicate that you need help when something is off?  2) Are you afraid of doing the necessary work you’ve learned from succe