Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Lois Koffi Returns to talk Micro dosing S4 E17



Coach Lois Koffi, a returning guest, has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year's resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN. Lois has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and suicide awareness is her passion as she has lost 12 people to suicide   She is now a plant medicine woman specializing in micro-dosing for mental and physical and spiritual health   She lives in Southern California with her family and hosts retreats with her beloved husband, Didier, who is a shaman. They use plant medicines as well to help guide and support those that are open to that path of deep dive shadow work and trauma release. Links Inner Child Cleansing Lois Koffi Enterprises   Microdosing for health   healthy-n-wealthy-n-wise