Karen Swain Atp Radio

Truth Seekers Talk with KAren Swain; Why We Came to Earth!



KAren Swain chat with Ian Dobson from Truth Seekers Group South Africa about Spirituality, spirt guides, Neal Donald Walsch; Conversations with God books, Shirley McClain, Light-workers, StarSeeds, New Earth Volunteers and much more.. Enjoy! Connect with KAren here; https://karenswain.com/ for private sessions, online courses, online group sessions, ATP Media shows and the Inner Sanctum sessions. Description The Truth Seekers Group; It was established in 2007, they are a group of like minded people interested in alternative subjects who meet on the first Saturday of every month in Johannesburg South Africa to discuss a wide range of esoteric subjects such as: the UFO phenomenon, conspiracy theories, ancient teachings, reincarnation, symbolism, eastern spiritualism, alternative medicine etc. https://www.truthseekers.joburg/ They are an independent group who also networks with other like-minded groups such as the Theosophical Society of Johannesburg. It is important for them to remain secular in their app