Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 175: Green Lantern: Legacy and Green Lantern: Alliance by Minh Lê and Andie Tong



This week, we're taking a look at a pair of Green Lantern graphic novels, Legacy and Alliance, by Minh Lê and Andie Tong! These comics are aimed at younger readers, but they're perfect for superhero fans of any age. Green Lantern: Legacy introduces us to young Tai Pham, the latest member of the Green Lantern Corps. Alliance expands upon Tai's world, introducing new threats and allies. Not only are these great superhero comics, but they're also sensitive and authentic portrayals of Asian American culture without being hamfisted or corny. For a couple of graphic novels aimed at elementary readers, these comics are more sophisticated and more worth reading than many cape comics on the racks today. Check 'em out, and tune in for our discussion about Green Lantern as a general concept and, of course, our deep dive into both of these books! Thanks again to Corey J. Beats for producing our theme music. Check out all of his music on various platforms here: If you have any thoughts, comments, q