Ask A Death Doula

The Marriage of Death and Spirituality



Date: 6/1/23 The Marriage of Death and Spirituality   When I was just starting my career as a hospice nurse… the things I witnessed… the things I learned… the things dying people shared with me… changed my LIFE!   At the end of life, as someone's physical body is diminishing, their spiritual body is growing and there is one point in the journey that they get all this spiritual wisdom.    This is what they say:   Trust that all the experiences in your life have been lessons to bring you closer to a higher state of being. I can honestly say that the most painful experiences I have been through turned out to be my greatest teachers. While working at the bedside, I discovered that this was the perspective shared by many of my dying patients. They were able to reflect on their own experiences from a different point of view to locate the good in them - uncovering the hidden meaning within them and finding the path towards soul growth. In This Episode, You Will Learn:   Topic #1 The way that the spiritual body