Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

Julianna Wagar on the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion and The Lyon in Mourning Project



S5 E12: Julianna Wagar on the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion and the Lyon in Mourning Project Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye.   Billow and breeze, islands and seas, Mountains of rain and sun, All that was good, all that was fair, All that was me is gone. Sing me a Song of a Lad that is Gone By Robert Louis Stevenson Vocals and music by Julianna WagerWelcome to Tea Toast & Trivia. Thank you for listening in. I am your host, Rebecca Budd, and I look forward to sharing this moment with you. The 1745 Jacobite rebellion has been romanticized in literature and media.  However, this was a difficult and complex period.  The stories of those who lived during this time have been captured in “The Lyon in Mourning” manuscript, which was compiled by Rev Robert Forbes.  The tragic Battle of Culloden shattered the hopes of restoring the Stuarts to the throne.  The communities and social structure of the Scottish Highlands were changed for