Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families

#1: Habits to Make Your Family Happier



Welcome to this first episode of the Happy Families Podcast. In this episode, I’ll be chatting about habits around our routine that can make our family stronger and happier. Strong, happy families don’t happen by accident. We don’t wake up, do whatever we feel like, and magically have a family that functions just fine. Happy and strong families are the product of consistent, proactive efforts on the part of parents who make family a priority. In this podcast I’ll share 7 habits that happy families practice to strengthen their relationships and make their families function well. Show notes So what are the habits I recommend to make your family happier? * Create a family focus. A shared vision makes decision making easy, and guides action. * Have a parent retreat. Strong families are headed by strong couples who make time for one another. * Take regular, simple, cheap time out as a family. Family holidays are achievable for most families with one person who qualifies for annual leave. And they can rejuvenate a