The New Stack Makers

How Apache Airflow Better Manages ML Pipelines



Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for building machine learning pipelines. It allows users to author, schedule, and monitor workflows, making it well-suited for tasks such as data management, model training, and deployment. In a discussion on The New Stack Makers, three technologists from Amazon Web Services (AWS) highlighted the improvements and ease of use in Apache Airflow.Dennis Ferruzzi, a software developer at AWS, is working on updating Airflow's logging and metrics backend to the OpenTelemetry standard. This update will provide more granular metrics and better visibility into Airflow environments. Niko Oliveria, a senior software development engineer at AWS, focuses on reviewing and merging pull requests as a committer/maintainer for Apache Airflow. He has worked on making Airflow a more pluggable architecture through the implementation of AIP-51.Raphaël Vandon, also a senior software engineer at AWS, is contributing to performance improvements and leveraging async capabilities in AWS Operator