Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#128: Mignon François—How a High Belief Level Can Make You Wildly Successful



Ever had a day where you felt unstoppable? It feels like you’re on top of the world and you believe wholeheartedly in what you’re building. But then there are other days when you’re so discouraged you can’t even take out the trash. What’s the difference between those days? Your belief level. Without belief, our productivity levels plummet, our motivation dwindles, and our perspective shrinks.   In today’s conversation, Donald Miller talks with Mignon François, founder and owner of the Cupcake Collection and author of the new book "Made From Scratch: Finding Success Without a Recipe". Mignon shares her mindblowing story of turning a five-dollar bill into a $10M business through the power of faith and hard work. Listen to Mignon’s incredible journey of entrepreneurship and learn how building your belief level can help you overcome obstacles and achieve what seems impossible – in your business and in your life.   Order Mignon's new book at or wherever you buy bo