Free Ira Brown! - The Gonzaga Hoops Podcast

Episode 25: Daring to Look Ahead



It's that time of the season again, dear FIBbers. The gym's closed down, the Kennel stands pushed back. The scoreboard has been unplugged, the Heisterisms boxed up and put in storage. We here at Free Ira Brown have turned in our final assignment of the the form, of course, of our final episode of the season (Season 2, Episode 25).      Before we shut it down for the spring/summer, we take a look at the most important question of the season: If you had to play NBA Jam with one duo  from Gonzaga history, who would it be? We tackle all this and more on the season's final episode of Free Ira Brown, THE Gonzaga Hoops Podcast. Do close down the season with us, won't you?