Free Ira Brown! - The Gonzaga Hoops Podcast

Episode 18: The Plot Thickens Thicker



You’ll forgive us if we’re a bit cranky this week. You see, in a weekend where we are supposed to celebrate the folk who have led this great nation (like Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln), the leaders of the free world (like Roosevelt & Kennedy), the pillars of our society (like Eisenhower and Thayne), we are left scratching our collective heads. Because after watching the prettiness that was the pulverizing of the Pilots in Portland, we were subjected to that SMU stinkfest. So here at Free Ira Brown, our heroes are left to wonder: What in the name of William Howard Taft happened to our friend Kyle? Was he worrying about the recent New Hampshire primaries? Thinking about which ski resort to hit up on Monday’s holiday? Are his numbers trending down or did he simply have a bad day at the (oval) office?   All this and more in the latest edition of Free Ira Brown, THE Gonzaga Hoops podcast. Do join us, won’t you? It’s the presidential thing to do.