Muscle for Life

Kevin Kelly on Excellent Advice For Living Well



What do “rest ethic,” goofing off, and Artificial Intelligence have in common?  This episode of the podcast is a bit different, but I think you’re going to enjoy it. In this interview, Kevin Kelly unwraps the art of living excellently in a world steered by technology.  Our discussion explores the intersections of AI, creativity, work, productivity, and even how rest plays a vital role in our lives. In case you’re not familiar with him, Kevin is the co-founder of Wired Magazine, influential writer, renowned futurist, and author of the new book Excellent Advice For Living.  I wanted to get him on the podcast because this book is absolutely chock-full of practical, easily-digestible nuggets of advice for living a more fulfilling life. And as a man who has spent decades envisioning the future, he has a unique perspective compared to other guests I’ve had on the show. This conversation covers a variety of topics such as . . . Kevin's motivation for writing Excellent Advice for Living The importance of balan