Inner Hoe Uprising

S7 Ep7: BipoHOElar Disorder



The hoes are talking all about bipolar disorder. Everything from living with it, how it can show up in your sex, love, & dating life, debunking stereotypes, how one of us on this here podcast came to be diagnosed and much more. Watch on YouTube: Fuck It (Topic of the Day):  The science of bipolar disorder. Specific points include: The kinds of bipolar disorder, myths about bipolar disorder, symptoms, what manic and depressive episodes might look like, treatment and how living with bipolar can impact ones sex, love, and dating life.  Fuck Me (Our Lives): Rebecca speaks about how living with bipolar disorder has impacted her relationships.  Love & Light to our Hoes of the Week! Hoe(s) of the Week: Everyone who supported Rodicky!  HASHTAGS Use #InnerHoeUprising and #Podin to keep up with this conversation on social media and let others know that you are listening.  CONTENT WARNING(S) Discussion of suicidal ideation:  48:14 - 1:02:00 RELEVANT LINKS AND NOTES Dep