Queering Desi

S2 Ep11: Sundeep Morrison



On this episode, Priya talks to Sundeep Morrison, a queer Punjabi Sikh writer, actress, director, author and activist. Priya asks Sundeep about what drives her art, and Sundeep shares her experience with the Oak Creek shooting. The two chat about the aftermath, and the ways that racism still affects them post-9/11. Sundeep shares how she turned this story into "Rag Head," her one woman show, and her connection to the Sikh faith. The two then talk about their experiences with gender and sexuality in South Asian spaces and not feeling "queer" enough. Later, they talk about spirituality, and the perpetuation of patriarchal structures in religious spaces. [Content warning: This episode mentions assault around the 25:40 mark.] Don't forget to tune in to Sundeep's radio show, Deep Talks, every Wednesday at 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific (followed by Queering Desi at 5pm Eastern/2pm Pacific) on Rukus Avenue Radio. You can follow Sundeep on Instagram (@sundeepmorrison). For more information and her full bio, visit queerin