Prophecy Watchers

Gary Stearman: The Nuclear Destruction of Egypt



Who can ever forget what happened to Pharaoh and his army when they pursued the Israelites across the Red Sea? There’s a little-known, overlooked prophecy in the book of Ezekiel that predicts a tragic end to the nation of Egypt. Scripture says that Egypt becomes uninhabitable for 40 years! What could bring such devastating destruction? The prophet references a structure called The Tower of Syene in his writings, a full 2,500 years before it ever existed! This should convince you that God knows the future! What if we told you that this Russian-constructed monument, perhaps to Islam, sits in the shadow of the Nile River? And right next to the Aswan Dam! If a nuclear weapon were to destroy this massive structure, trillions of gallons of water would flood Egypt. Will the long-time enemies of Israel be destroyed by water once again? Gary and Bob take a deep look at this ancient prophecy.